Wild weekends...
Yeah, right!
And we wouldn't have it any. other. way.
Here's a little peak into our weekend.
So last night, John McRae and I were doing what we do before bedtime. We were laying in bed reading books, singing the alphabet, counting to twenty, singing songs, etc.
Then, I began to say each letter of the alphabet and John McRae would tell me something that started with that letter. We rocked on good until we got to P. For some reason, I didn't let him pick the word. I said, "P is for purple." He giggled and said, "P is for POO POO!" The kid thought it was the funniest thing, EVER!
I have to admit, it was pretty funny and we had a deep belly laugh for about 20 minutes. Then, his little country self was saying, "Peee Yewwwww" and dragging it out for about twenty leven syllables.
The kid is such a comedian.
We were supposed to have really bad weather last night. We might have, and I hear from others that we did, but all three of us slept right through it. There was one time right before I dozed off that I heard either a train or a tornado. I really need some clarification on whether to be alarmed by the rumbling or the Choo Choo part.
John McRae has told me three mornings in a row, "Come on Mama, it's breakfast time!" Then, he'll say in a very demading way while throwing a paper plate at me, "Make biscuits!" Yesterday evening and this morning he wanted "yo-yo." (Yogurt for those who do not speak 3 year old.)
And you will notice that I referred to myself as Mama. The kid changed my name again. I'm no longer Mommy, dangit. I'm Mama, again. I wanted to be Mommy for the rest of my life. Just like Daniel wants to be DaDa til the day he dies.
John McRae counted to 12 all by himself this weekend and I didn't even request it. He only said 9 twice. Way to go, Smarty Pants! He's so into counting everything these days. He counts every time he makes a step. It's very cute and he is so darn proud of himself. I'm proud of him, too. =)
He wants an elephant birthday party. His new love is for he and I to look at elephant birthday cakes and cupcakes on the internet. He gets so excited that he starts sweating. No lie.
Saturday evening, John McRae went to his GrandmaPawPaw's (one word). Daniel and I watched a Christmas movie that we had DVR'd. You just can't beat a Griswald Christmas.
Sunday, we set off for Meridian to do a little grocery shopping, but stopped by Long's Fish Camp on our way to get some lunch. I figured JMc would take a late nap because we slept until after 8, and after 9 the morning before. After we ate, all three of us were past going so we drove back home for a nap.
Remember, we don't live near anything.
So after nap and the last half of the football game, we starting to Meridian again. This time we made it. Anytime we go to Meridian, JMc thinks we are going to see the animals. The kid thinks Petco better than the zoo. We just didn't have time for it, so I took him to see the fish at Wal-Mart. He wasn't impressed.
Shopping with D and JMc is just too much testosterone.
During the later part of the trip, D turns to JMc and says, "Son, I can't stand this either and I know it would make so much more sense for your Mama to come up here alone, but she can't for all of the perverts and idiots. So, we are stuck doing this from now on." I was almost done shopping and after 35 mins or so, they were still in the book section hunting the perfect "animal book."
Time we walked out of Wal-Mart, JMc says, "It's time to eat." He wanted Chick-fil-a, but I told him that they took Sunday off in honor of Jesus. So no baby, you can't go to "PawPaw Coke in my eye" as he calls Chick-fil-a.
Oh, and D had to drive three hours to go to Macon for dog food Saturday morning. The Puh-ty's food got knocked over by the huge orange, wild cat that is hanging out around our house every night. Dang cat knocked over the plastic container and ate all of the food. Usually it just tears into our garbage and eats it. Stupid cat!
And all the dog wanted to eat was uncooked spaghetti noodles.
We took JMc to McDonald's to get him some chicken bok bok since Chick-fil-a was closed and he immediately said "ice cream." Stinker. He ate the chicken and then got all hacked because his hands were too greasy to pick up his drink.
That about sums it up.
Never a dull moment.
I don't have time to spell check. So, there is no telling what typos you will find in this.
It can be your homework or somethign.
I don't have time to spell check. So, there is no telling what typos you will find in this.
It can be your homework or somethign.