Monday, January 10, 2011

ICY Monday in MS

What a great weekend we had! 
It ended with a bunch of cold,
freezing rain, though.
I should have taken some pictures,
but at 10:45am outside my office, this is the speed limit sign melting.

Friday was another milestone in our adoption process.  We had our 2nd post placement visit with our social worker.  We weren't nervous about it at all, because John McRae is adjusting just fine and our social worker isn't the type to make you nervous at all.  We had a good visit, but John McRae felt a little uncomfortable so he turned into a baby the entire time we were there.  He stayed in one of our laps the entire time, which is very uncommon for him.  In general, he is a very busy little boy! Right when he knew we were leaving, he blew our social worker a kiss and waved by to her. Haha!  He then felt safe, and started doing a few of his tricks for her in the hallway leading out of her office.  When he saw his Thanksgiving and Christmas card we had sent to her, he pointed at them and said really sweetly, "me."  I was glad that she could finally see that he wasn't a mute and that he was making tons of progress. Because of the holidays, we are running a little behind on our post placement visits, but went ahead and scheduled our final visit for February 8th.  After that, Holt will send us our paperwork to finalize the adoption!  So, we are hoping that we will be completely done by March!

After leaving our visit, we met up with the Daniel family who are always a lot of fun!  Daniel and I met this sweet family at our adoptive parenting class last January.  They are traveling to Thailand to bring home baby James in about 6 weeks.  We can't wait to meet him and will probably have to have a slumber party at their house before he arrives!

It is still so amazing how wonderful our experience has been, and how blessed we are.

John McRae had a really great Saturday.  He and I were going to meet Charlotte for breakfast, but decided it wouldn't be too smart to mingle with that crazy crowd fighting over the last loaf of bread in Wal-Mart.  So, while Daniel went to the local grocery store for a few necessities, John McRae and I snuggled on the couch and watched cartoons.  It was so nice.  Just this week has John McRae decided to sit on the couch or in the chair by us under a blanket and watch tv.  John McRae was all about loving and unsolicited kisses this weekend...he is such a sweet little fellow.  It's more than nice!
Sunday was another lazy day.  Every weather channel gave a different forecast. So, all we could do is just look out the window from time to time to see what was happening outside!  Our power blinked around 6pm, and went out at 8pm.  We are all electric so we went to Daniel's parents' house for the night.  That was John McRae's first overnight stay there.  He was a little freaked out by no power.  He doesn't like the dark At. All.  He woke up in a good mood this morning ready to play.

So, that was our weekend.  It doesn't sound very exciting, but it was a lot of fun!

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