Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Come on TC!

To my dear AP friends who are awaiting their travel calls or just a little movement in their adoption process, this is for you...

The Promise

I know I must wait for the Lord to unfold;
My heart fills with fear for all that’s untold.
Wanting so badly to walk in your will;
My eyes see it clearly, yet I stand still.
Listening so closely to hear your voice;
Realizing in hearing, it demands a choice.
Knowing you promise to lead with a plan;
But wondering how on earth will I stand.
Dying to self is what I hear your voice say;
I cry out to you Lord, “Is that the way?”
Your love tenderly whispers, “My daughter be bold;
For my strength is sufficient, your heart shall never
grow cold.”
“For my timing now is perfect, as so is my plan;
All you have to do is let me take command.”
“Each door I will open, each key I will give;
Through you, my child, My spirit wishes to live.”
“Go now with confidence for I will show you the road;
I will shorten the length, I will carry the load.”
“In all that you go through, you may be reviled;
But shall walk out victoriously
With the hand of a child!”
Heather Beazley


I hold you in my heart and touch you in my dreams.
You are here each day with me, at least that’s how it seems.
I know you wonder where we are… what’s taking us so long.
But remember child, I love you so and God will keep you strong.
Now go outside and feel the breeze and let it touch your skin…
Because tonight, just as always, I blow you kisses in the wind.
May God hold you in His hand until I can be with you.
I promise you, my darling, I’m doing all that I can do.
Very soon, you’ll have a family for real, not just pretend.
But for tonight, just as always, I blow you kisses in the wind.
May God wrap you in His arms and hold you very tight.
And let the angels bring the kisses that I send to you each night.
— Unknown

Lots of Love and Prayers!!!
Stacy :)

1 comment:

Leah said...

B-E-A-U-T-I-F-A-L!!!!! Love them Stacy, thanks so much for this, it really helps! ;)