Thursday, April 14, 2011

Looking Back

Last April was so much different than this April.  Heck, this whole year (so far) has been a lot different than 2010.  January of last year, we were just starting our home study.  From January to April 6th, things went really slow in regards to our adoption process.  Then, my FBI fingerprints were finally approved and our home study was sent to Korea! Those fingerprints are what held up our process 13 stinkin' weeks.  It was so annoying, and it really made my heart ache that something so stupid was keeping me from having our son home with us.  So, April was a very happy month last year!  A turning point.  In our hearts, these things didn't happen as soon as we'd wished, but we see now that it was all in God's time and it all worked out perfectly.  (We fell head over heals in love with JMc the day we saw his photo on Nov. 2, 2009!)

This April, we are all settled into our new normal and LOVE it! Our boy is doing great and is super smart! He amazes us every day!  He's perfect and the center of our world.

I have several great friends who will be traveling to Korea within the next two to four weeks to bring their kiddos home to their forever families.  I'm so happy for you girls and your families. :)  I am so anxious to see some photos and to meet a few of the little cuties in person in the coming months!

To My Son

© Amy R. Campbell

Oh how the years go by,

Oh how time can certainly fly.

From once just a thought in far away dreams,

now into my arms and in my eyes gleam

the presence of you.

Your laughter and smiles

which go on for miles,

warms my heart and soul.

You're growing up so fast,

as I wish each moment with you to last forever.

My little boy will someday be a man

and right by your side I will forever stand.

I will pick up the pieces when you fall,

I will hold your hand and help you stand tall.

And when the day comes when you are on your own,

never feel that you are alone.

No matter how near or far apart

I am always right there in your heart.

Always remember whatever you go through

that no matter what, I will always love you.

Stacy :)

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