Thursday, February 16, 2012

Happy Birthday, Dada Pig!

Dada Pig might not care much about birthday recognition, but John Pig sure does!

John McRae insisted that Daniel have an elephant birthday cake.  So, in about 90 seconds I smeared some yellow icing (that I colored while the cake was baking) on the cake and drew an elephant's face on it. And Wha-lah! an elephant birthday cake. While it looks thrown together, lacking creative detail, John McRae's response to it was as follows:

"Elnant birthday cake. Giraffe birthday cake. Monkney birthday cake (because after this photo was taken, I had to freehand a giraffe and monkey in each of the elephant's ears, per John's orders). ABCDEFG, John blow out candles. Pizza.Yum. Best birthday cake, ever. Delicious."

The ABCDEFG that is he referring to is the candles that spell out Happy Birthday. And he kept blowing out the candles before I could get them all lit. Supper was cooked by Pizza Hut.

John McRae has NO patience what. so. ever.  So, the whole Cars themed party was rushed. We had to open the pizza boxes time we walked in the door. JMc opened Daniel's gifts. Once the cake was out of the oven, he could not wait to "help" me ice it. 
John McRae thoroughly enjoyed his Dada's party. So much that, this is probably the type party we'll have for JMc next month on his birthday. Homemade cake, cheap decor, and lots of love!

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