Tuesday, June 10, 2014


I took the day off from work yesterday to catch up on housework.  One day is never enough, but one day without the kids at home is enough to clear a path through the door. So, I dropped the kids off at daycare in two different towns, ran by the dollar store to buy groceries, and headed home.  Then, I realized that I forgot to check my post office box as I turned on to our road.. So, I turned around  heading 10 miles back to the post office.  That is how my day went pretty much.  Two steps forward, one step back.  After catching up on the Kardashians while enjoying a snack and a diet coke for breakfast, I began cleaning the kitchen.  Then, I'd have to take something to the bathroom and I'd stay in there piddling for a few minutes.  Then, I'd need to take a something from the bathroom into one of the kid's rooms...I'd stay there a few minutes before heading back to the living room to put a toy in the bin.   From there, I'd find an empty juice and take it to the kitchen and remember, "oh, yea.  I was washing dishes."   I made progress, but didn't finish everything that needed doing.  When JMc walked in yesterday evening, he said, "WHOA!" before running to his room to see if the cleaning fairy had cleaned his room, too.  Sorry, Bud.  Didn't make it that far.  That is a clear indication that I need to get it together. Yes, I still work full time, but being a full-time college student in addition to wife, mom, and my M - F job is no longer an excuse.  I think I'd rather go back to school and keep that excuse rather than being the domesticated goddess with all of my crap together that is expected of women.  I was raised to keep things in order, but I never have.  My bedroom growing up was always a disaster. Once, a friend stepped on something and had to have a tetanus shot.  It's a good thing that my best friend growing up is just as big of a slob as I am so she didn't mind sleeping in there! 
It's time to woman up and get it together. No more grocery shopping at the dollar store and more organization and tidiness!  After selling our house and moving into a rent house while building a new home, life has been chaotic.  Daniel and I are sleeping in one end of the living room and I'm sharing a tiny closet in the dining room with JMc.  If I'd get my act together, we'd have plenty of living space in the 2bed/1 bath home.  We are very thankful for our rent house and being able to live there has been such a convenience to our family.  We moved in a hurry and we can't find anything because we do not know if the needed items are in the shed or stowed a way somewhere in a box.  It's time to get the house in order and start rummaging through boxes both in the closets and in our sheds so that once we move, we will not be in this situation again.  So, here's to my journey of becoming domesticated.  This should be interesting.

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