Monday, August 16, 2010

10 more days...

and so many decisions left to make.  Unfortunately, most of them are hurry up and wait situations.

I was able to get get John McRae's first US doctor appointment scheduled this morning.  That is a relief.  I was a bit confused when I was asked his name.  I gave her both his Korean and US, because I'm sure we'll have to use his Korean name for another six months. 

Daniel and I are still unsure if we need to stay overnight when we pick him up, or if we should head back home.  There is no way to make this decision until we see our JMc reacts to the whirlwind.  We've gotten so many mixed responses, and it seems that it just depends on each family's situation.  I'd like to go ahead and book a room just incase, but then again, I don't want to worry about having to remember to cancel the reservation!

The next ten days will drag by, but at the same time, our family day will be here before we know it.  I'll have plenty of time to do last minute cleaning, install the carseat that he will hate, charge up the dvd player for the car, pack for his trip home, hang a swing, sleep, and the list goes on and on and on...

1 comment:

melanieingram said...

i am so happy for you!!! this is all just so wonderful!! i will be saying prayers all day and night for you august 26! please send texts to keep us updated! xoxo!