Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Learning a lot as a first time parent

to say the least.

Since November 2009, I've learned a lot.  From first glance at JMc's photo, I knew the love of a mother.  I knew the worry for my child.  I knew how helpless it feels to not be able to be there for my child, as bad as I wanted to be.  I yearned for his hugs, his kisses, just to feel the warmth beaming from his precious little body.  I saw his smile in the pictures we received from Holt, but I wanted so badly to hear his laugh that accompanied that smile.  I was clueless.  I had never even changed a diaper in. my. entire. life.  (Nor had Daniel.)  We were first time EVERYTHING. Here are some examples that I'm sure you will chuckle over, because I'm laughing at myself right now. ;)

What will he eat?  I have to have every snack in Wal-Mart so that he will have everything he "needs." - The kid didn't want anything for breakfast the morning after our airplane day. (He was placed in my arms around 10pm.)  He did take a bottle, though.  If I'd known he was still primarily on formula at 17 months, boy I'd have had a lot less worry.  I'd just have had lots of Puffs.  They were his crack when he first came home.

What size shoe does he wear?  I just hoped his foster family would shoe him before he left Korea because Holt never informed me of a shoe size.  I bought some flip-flops for him just in case.  Note to self - waste of money. He never even put them on his feet.

What will he drink?  I remember asking my friends (thank you all for humoring me and not repeatedly telling me how insane I was!) how I should mix his fruit juices.  Of course because all of the websites and books said I should mix juice with water to dilute it, that was the gospel and it had to be done that way.  Well, now, I'm just happy if the sippy cup he is drinking out of isn't filled with molded apple juice (full strength) or rotten milk. ;)

What toys will he like?  I need to buy everything I see, because he has to have it and I'm sure a kid just can't be a kid without it.  WRONG!  Total waste of loads of money! ;)

What nursery furniture do I need?  Which mattress is the best?  Doesn't matter, because the kid won't sleep in it anyway.

Anyhoo, those are just a few of the things I obsessed about...

Now, 8 months after having my son home with me, I'm learning all kinds of new things.
Take Sunday evening for example.
John McRae is obsessed with his bath these days.  He. Loves. It.  So, when he is ready to bathe he will go to the bathroom door and say, "bath, bath, bath."  He also is a very repetitive child.  I guess he doesn't realize I might be ignoring him in lieu of being hard of hearing.  So, he was taking his bath on Sunday and he starts grunting.  Oh. My. Word.  There it is. Poop in the bath tub.  So, I call Daniel in to get him out of the tub while I go get my latex gloves (A must have on my mothering list! So what if I'm nice nasty!) to remove the poop.  When Daniel gets JMc out of the tub he hears, "doo doo."  Haha, I have never heard him say that, but I guess Elmo's Potty Time DVD is working.  The joys of motherhood. :)

Kids will fall and they will look like they've been in a bad bar fight.  After Easter holiday, JMC looked like he had been beat and I was awaiting DHS to show up any minute.

Kids are going to be sick.  On average a toddler gets 12 colds a year, per Daniel's research.  I think we've accomplished that in the first 4 months of this year.  We keep a stock pile of Tylenol, Motrin, Tussin, Triaminic, Allegra, Zyrtec, Benadryl, antihistamine cream, Neosporin, etc.  We need to build a new pantry just for JMc's medication.

The first month or so home, you can't worry if you have on make-up, clean clothes, or have had a bath.  I knew it was time for a change when my grandma told my aunt, "I think Stacy is doing better, she actually had on pants that weren't stretch pants today and I think she might have had a little make- up on." 

Pediatrician offices are horrible. End. of. story.

By the way, I've found my first gray hair.

Toddlers cause you to gain weight, until you have two at one time.  You'd think you'd lose because you are always chasing them, but because you have a twinkie in your mouth while chasing them because it isn't worth the trouble of trying to set down to a real meal..you gain weight.  In my case, 18 lbs. Gasp.

Kids will embarrass you.  While at the social security office getting JMc's SS card, he starts pooting and giggling.  Fun. Times.

It is hard work going to the grocery store with a toddler.  They want to open everything in the buggy as you place it in there.  Even the frozen dinners.

There is more, but now I must run a few errands because my lunch break has started. ;)


1 comment:

Dizzy said...

Love everything about this post,it made me laugh and smile not to mention remember what it was like when Xander was small;)Its amazing by number 2 how more laid back you become!!