Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Listen to Him!

I honestly believe God puts things on our hearts and sends us out on a mission to do His work. When He does this, you can't shake it. You can't forget it. You can't ignore it. You can't think of anything else. You can't rest at night because you are worrying over it and praying over it. This deep burning hurt inside me is for the orphan. God led our family to adoption and He has shown his face throughout the entire process. I know that many of you that read my blog (and those who just see FB statuses) might get tired of me saying the same things over. and over. and over, BUT I CAN'T HELP IT! As I'm constantly thinking of ways to help adoptive parents, parents who are considering adoption because it has been laid upon their heart or after experiencing issues with infertility, pushing the Holt photo litsing, etc., it has really been heavy on my heart these last few weeks. I have been blessed with many new friends who share this same passion and love. As I was reading emails and Facebook this morning, I saw where my friend Paula had written a new blog entry. She's a precious adoptive mom who came to the airport with us when John McRae came home. Her blog entry really touched me and I hope that you will click the link and read it, too.

If God is speaking to you, you better listen! Even if it doesn't seem doable, all things are possible through Him. It will blow your mind and rock your world. Help will come out of nowhere, money will appear, and you will receive blessing after blessing after blessing!


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